DataPool: presented, tweeted, blogged

Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA) 2012 conference, hosted by the Archaeological Computing Research Group in the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Southampton on 26-30 March 2012
How do you give a conference presentation when your laptop with the presentation on it dies 1 hour before the presentation? You tweet it.
Graeme Earl is co-investigator with the DataPool Project. He is also a senior lecturer in archaeology at the University of Southampton and organiser of the Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology 2012 (CAA2012) conference being held in Southampton this week (26-30 March). So this is an especially busy time for Graeme, yet he still wanted to give a presentation on DataPool to his own research community.
Why choose the novel means of presenting via Twitter? Graeme explains: “I decided at lunchtime that I would give the paper via twitter, and upload slides as an accompaniment. An hour before the paper my laptop died catastrophically and, irony of ironies, my presentation materials were on my laptop rather than on a network location. So I assembled the presentation as links in 30 minutes and then delivered it.”
In case Graeme hasn’t time to blog his presentation as well, we’ll do it for him. Twitter is intended to be an immediate service so retrieval can get harder over time. You may be able to find the original tweets by searching for Graeme’s username or for the hashtags he used. To avoid repetition these have been removed from the tweets and are copied immediately below. There is also some brief annotation of links between tweets to assist readers. Otherwise, tweets are as Graeme’s originals. For reference, the presentation was given around 5 pm on Wednesday 28th March.
@GraemeEarl #caasoton #datapool #jisc
> Starting my tweeted paper on #datapool now #caasoton
> Managing Research Data
Report on Developing Institutional Research Data Management Policies, a JISC Managing Research Data (MRD) Programme meeting held in Leeds on 12-13 March.
This blog.
> Research data management infrastructure
Research data management infrastructure projects (RDMI), Web page on the first phase of the JISC MRD programme.
JISC project page for IDMB: Institutional data management blueprint, predecessor project to DataPool.
> Creating a system – sharepoint, repository, metadata
DataPool poster paper, on Graeme’s Slideshare account.
> Rolling out a policy – ratified, embedded, implemented
> Producing examples – discipline, re-use case studies, domains e.g. imaging
> Developing skills – training staff and students; ‘help desk’
> Sharepoint infrastructure provides data access and collaboration
> University deep storage repository + connection to others e.g. via SWORD2
> ADS SWORD ARM project
JISC project page for SWORD-ARM: SWORD & Archaeological Research data Management.
> ADS page for SWORD ARM facilitating deposit from outside to ADS repository
> Middle layer of metadata management – initially project/sub-project/item hierarchy
> Publication – push to and pull from external repositories e.g. ADS; policy implications for this?
> Provide external access to cache and deep storage versions
> Demonstration repository; trialling with
Portus Project, Digital Humanities, University of Southampton.
> Presented at Soton Research and Enterprise Advisory Group (REAG)
A project for the research life cycle? DataPool blog post, 8 March 2012.
> Ratification by Soton senate; included user guides also clarify uncertainties
> Defining core focus areas e.g. USRG Imaging
Computationally Intensive Imaging, University Strategic Research Groups (USRGs), University of Southampton.
> Building network of experts and interested people
Data system, policy, training: putting people first, DataPool blog post, December 8th, 2011.
> Defining internal dissemination mechanisms e.g. USRG DE
Digital Economy USRG, University of Southampton.
> data management plans presented to other JISC projects
Data management plans (DMPs): the day has arrived, DataPool blog post, 22 March 2012.
> Details of meeting disciplinary challenges in research data management planning workshop
Agenda for JISC workshop on Meeting (Disciplinary) Challenges in Research Data Management Planning held in London on 23 March.
> Finished. Taking questions.
> @PatHadley thankfully I had a helper to advance them for me!
That’s it: presented, tweeted, now blogged.